Sunday 13 May 2012


Developing Puzzles for this game started off with Tim thinking up some ideas for what could be achieved with the gadgets we had. After a quick brainstorm of ideas, a handful of puzzles would make their way to Sam. With these in mind Sam would work with Louie to develop these into a working realisation, many of the ideas had to be changed along the way.

Level Design

Our first level designs were simply sewers, this was all the same size with no interchange. We since decided we had to add a variation of rooms. Even if the puzzles were going to be similar due to the limitations of the gadgets we were able to slightly change the environment between them to make it feel different.

Having these different sections of sewer with common themes and styles meant we could create sections of the level and connect them together.



Having removed the combat element of our game and revolving more on the puzzle gameplay and nonviolence approach, we've developed our gadgets 


Having designed a character. Louis then took the concept art done by Sam and started to make a 3d model of this character.

This is a screenshot of the .fbx of the character so doesn't include the textures however we have included the wireframe so you can see how the mesh is built. This model consists of 1,344 polys.

Sound Design

Tim and Tom started work on getting sound Effects. The required noises of a sewer are hard to come by so we had to improvise with some of the noises including recording showers dripping, toilets flushing and the different bubbles you get from blowing through different liquids.

Tim also found a local student studying sound design at BCoT. He was able to help us by making an Minimal Beat Techno track for the background


Sam returned to his graphics tablet and photoshop and started to paint textures for the level. This included loads of tileable textures for the floor and walls.

Level Redesign: Segments.

Moving our level design on from what we started with we started to build the level out of segments. This was to keep a universal theme to the environment with all the edges fitting. This would allow us to make the level at key points and extrude the edges out and weld them together.

This was organised by Louie and Dan.